Monday, December 12, 2011

way overdue

Wow, we are terrible bloggers! We haven't written in a few weeks, but here's the thing... Aubrey and I both have iphones so its pretty rare we actually go on a regular computer and it would be a pain to type a whole post from our phones. So we both apologize if there is still anyone reading this blog.

Trying to find a new church has been a sometimes difficult journey. The church we were at before we both felt so comfortable at, it was our second home. We knew so many people and were really invovled. Going to new churches where we don't know anyone you sometimes feel like an outsider, which I guess we were. Every church we went to we had different criteria we were looking for and we would bring our church hunting journals and write down notes of what we liked and what we didn't like. What I learned though is finding a church isn't about which has the best worship or biggest sanctuary, it's about feeling connected and as if you belong. Aubrey and I both felt that way when we went to Crossroads. Every church we went to after that we always said, "I liked it, but not as much as Crossroads." So we've decided to go there and try it out. Maybe this won't be where we'll stay but we feel we need to give it a chance because we both have a good feeling about it.

I think we've both learned a lot on our church hunting journey. I know I have. I've learned that God has a bigger plan for my life and as difficult as it is to find a new place to call our "home church" it is what God wants for us and I feel we are doing the right thing and following his plan.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been following our blog and praying for us and encouraging us throughout the past semester. It really has meant a lot to both of us that you all have cared enough about us to read this blog, even if we aren't very consistent.

Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year!

aubrey & brooke

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